
About Me

Hi! I am an avid reader of novels and a new translator. I mainly use MTL, my Chinese friend’s help, and my inadequate English skills to translate, so please do bear with me! 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
Obviously, these works are fan translations only! So please do not expect it to be exactly or accurate.(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ
I currently, do not have any schedule for chapters as I do all the translating and editing but I will do my best to possibly wring out a chapter or a few.

Welcome to the page and hope you read your fill! O(≧▽≦)O

Here are some of my recent posts!

Hi! I will be moving my translations to (knoxt.space). See you there! 🙂

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